Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Snoring Linked To High Cholesterol And High Blood Pressure.

 I found this article to demonstrate how serious snoring is .The writer of this article find that snoring has serious health risks.The influence on relationships is also explored.

"Most of the patients who come to me looking for help with their snoring do so primarily for the benefit of their partner. If you happen to share a bed with a snorer, then you will know why.

25% of the adult UK population snore, so applying some very simplistic maths we're looking at about 50% of couples who are affected by this nightly nightmare.
Although often seen as a trivial matter, snoring can have some serious consequences. It has been linked to high cholesterol and increased blood pressure, and can be a symptom of a more serious sleep condition called obstructive sleep apnoea.

It can also be a serious cause of marital and relationship disharmony. The majority of patients I see in my clinic are men (although there are women too), and they almost always have a story about how their snoring is affecting their relationship. Either they end up sleeping in separate beds several times a week, or they don't and it causes arguments. If you're not getting a good night's sleep, the chances are you're going to be grumpier and more irritable than normal and that is not a recipe for a happy marriage.

What still surprises me about all of this though is that, considering the serious consequences snoring can have (it has even been cited as a reason for divorce), there are so many people who think that it is something that they just have to put up with. In fact, in the vast majority of cases, there are steps you can take to reduce, or potentially even stop, your snoring for good.

The first thing to look at is your lifestyle. Try cutting out alcohol and spicy food before bed and also think about whether you may need to lose some weight. You should also make sure there is good ventilation in the bedroom.

Secondly, you should try and diagnose the cause of your snoring. There are three main types of snorer; the throat snorer, the nasal snorer and the palate snorer, or you may be a combination of two or all three. There are some over the counter products for snoring which may be worth a try, but there is little point in trying a nasal strip if your problem is coming from your throat. An ENT consultant will quickly be able to establish what kind of snorer you are.

If it is a permanent solution that you are looking for, then over the counter is not the place to look. There are a couple of non-invasive treatment options that, depending on the cause of your snoring, can stop the nightmare of your nocturnal rumblings for good.

Laser assisted uvulopalatoplasty, or LAUP is one such treatment. It is a walk-in walk-out procedure carried out under local anaesthetic. It works by targeting the uvula, which is the 'dangly' thing that hangs at the back of the throat. When the uvula is unnecessarily large it vibrates in the throat whilst the patient is asleep, thus causing the snoring sound. The LAUP uses a laser beam to tighten up the uvula to stop the vibrating.

The treatment available to nasal snorers is another laser, used to either reduce enlarged fleshy ridges or 'turbinates' at the entrance of the sinuses, or to correct a deviated septum (a buckled partition between the two nostrils). With the airway cleared, patients will be able to breathe more easily at night and therefore their snoring will be significantly reduced.

Both of these treatments take less than 20 minutes to complete and patients can leave the clinic and continue with their normal routine immediately.
If your problem lies within your palate, then it is your dentist who may be able to help in the form of a dental splint if it is felt on examination that your lower jaw is somewhat smaller than normal.

Alternatively, in palate snorers who have a normal sized lower jaw laser surgery may also be used to remove the volume of redundant tissue within the palate. A further treatment offered is the use of high frequency heat energy (Celon) to "tighten up" the tissue within the palate thus reducing vibration when asleep and correspondingly reducing or removing the snoring sound altogether. Again this treatment takes less than 20 minutes to complete allowing again continuation of a patients normal routine immediately without any loss of time from work.

So, whatever the cause of your snoring, there is no need to suffer in (lack of) silence. There is help out there and treatment options available. If seeking a solution will improve both your physical health and the health of your relationship, then what are you waiting for?

For more information visit"

As you can see the steps that you can take to stop snoring are easy and not very complicated. Elevated cholesterol levels and hyper tension can be the consequence of your snoring. This can lead to cardio vascular damage and from there it is only downhill!

do not take the fact that you are snoring lightly. Have your self checked and take the necessary steps to stop snoring!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

If You Quit Smoking Will You Stop Snoring?

If you quit smoking will you stop snoring? This is the question on the mind of many people who are snoring and smoking. Fact is that smoking indeed aggravates snoring! This happens because smoking relaxes the muscles of the throat.The inflow of air is blocked and causes the snoring sound that the innocent must endure!
This is an article that tells you how to stop smoking. Read it and decide if you want to quit  stop smoking today.

Quit Cigarette Smoking Now for a Healthier Life

by Ronaldo Tesan

If you were to quite cigarette smoking today you will greatly increase your chances of having healthier lungs; with in a few days you will notice the increased sense of smell, food tastes better and breathing is noticeably easier. If you were to quite cigarette smoking before your mid 30's will greatly reduce your chance of contracting any of the known diseases that are caused by, or directly linked to, cigarette smoking; cancer of the lungs, larynx, esophagus and also linked to heart disease and increases your chance of a stroke.

Actually, smoking happens to be our conscious choice when we start in the first place. After some time, it transforms into a sort of habit in our subconscious wherein we feel strange when we stop smoking and that urge forces us to smoke more. When you start your quit smoking hypnosis session with a therapist, he or she will ask few questions; when you first started smoking, frequency of smoking during the day, and so on. You should be mentally prepared to quit smoking before you opt for the quit smoking hypnosis session because otherwise it won't work.

Over the last few decades medics all around the world are trying to get an easy way to quit smoking. Medics have had some successes in their research; however, the process of stopping smoking is still not always effective or highly productive. It is very important that smokers have patience and never be disappointed. Although, the process of refusing smoking is quite hard still there is high percentage to be successful in case of great efforts.

One of the best ways to quit smoking is start doing some online research about this subject matter. There are many free websites that give effective and useful tips on how to quit smoking effectively. Also, on this websites you can read the reviews of the people who have stopped smoking and they might have some good tips for the persons who just decided to quit smoking. There are plenty of online resources that suggest best ways to quit smoking for free so check them out.

How do you quit smoking? Some smokers proudly answer that they just stop smoking all at once. Studies suggest that going "cold turkey" is the most effective technique for quitting smoking. This method works well for people who first prepare themselves for the powerful feelings of withdrawal. The body grows dependent on habit-forming drugs like nicotine, and will cause painful cravings that make smokers prone to relapse. Quitting now makes it possible to rid the body of all nicotine, a necessary step toward ending addiction. Though initially very uncomfortable, many experts believe that quitting "cold turkey" offers the best chance for success.

Get started by making a list of the family, friends and professional supporters or consider joining a group and quit together. Pick a date to stop and get prepared with herbs quit smoking. Clear out all smoke related items, ashtrays, lighters, air out blankets, and clothing to rid the smell of smoke. Pick an activity to keep busy, it can help to distract from the urge to smoke. Always have snacks available to replace the behavior habits of picking up a cigarette with herbs quit smoking.

Do you want to find info on i need to quit smoking - Home Remedies for Snoring - Effective Ways to Stop Snoring, then visit our website to find the best info on What Are The Most Effective Smoking Alternatives? for you.